
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Name Is Gump...

I run now. All the time. Against my own will, I put on my tennis shoes and take off like the wind. Okay, not the wind. I take off, like a cheetah. Okay, not a cheetah exactly. A turtle? Yes, A TURTLE. Or maybe a bear. A large lumbering bear, who's emerged from hibernation.

Have you ever noticed how fluffy Bears are?

Run Chubby Run!

I run against the odds. Against the cruel fate of my obese potential. Against my physique which was not made for running. It was made for bearing children. If only I would've realized at the time that was my niche.

And yet I run...

See that guy? That's not me. He looks way too joy-filled.

I, on the other hand, have a look of severe pain while I run. I think it's much more appropriate, plus it garners sympathy from the average passer-by. Just for affect, I may add tears streaming down my face the  next time I run. I'll let you know how that goes.


kay said...

Lisa, I totally admire you for your new attitude toward physical fitness. One I, however, do not share. :)

red.neck chic said...

I'm sorry... but I'm laughing at your pain. LOL

You GO!!! You have way more energy and spunk than I... but I can dang sure be your cheerleader!!!

;-D robelyn

Beach House Living said...

Where have you been.
Pray tell you have been on a vacation on some fabulous undiscovered island...and you just don't want to share the location?

Well that's okay but please do drop us a line in the next month or we shall all begin to worry.

Miss your humor hope all is well.