
Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Chained To My Computer Like A Common Criminal...

Folks, I'm taking a 3 HOUR online real estate course... it's information I already know.
I cannot even begin to tell you HOW BORING it is...

But I'm going to try. Because I need you to feel my pain.

1. It's as boring as eating non-salted saltines...which I've actually experienced since marrying Mr. Wonderful. It's an oxymoron for which there is no answer.

2. It's as boring as cleaning the toilets. With my bare hands. Wait, that wouldn't really count as boring, more like disgusting. And I have done it! Many times! Because I'm a slow learner and keep forgetting to buy gloves!

3. It's as boring as painting a room soft beige, after it's been light beige for years. I've actually never done this because it's against my religion. If I'm going to paint a room I want to see a change baby! Yes, I just called you baby, baby. That's prison talk with an attitude.

Well goodbye for now...if I beg you to break me out of here, don't. If I beg you for candy, do...


Beach House Living said...

I've never understood the need for stuff like that. Why can't there be a test for what you know already. If you don't well then sit for 3 boring, tedious, long like there is no end in sight class.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh!! I feel for you!! I have 2 months of training starting Monday, but I don't know this stuff! So that's different than yours. You're gonna do awesome. And I shall totally send you some candy.

Allyson & Jere said...

Wait...what do you mean cleaning the toilet with your bare hands? Don't you just use a toilet brush? Explain.

Sorry you had to be bored to death for a dumb class. Hopefully you survived and you're done with such wastes of time.

Simple Daisy said...

How boring:(
Hope it went fast for you!!!